As announced on this afternoons AGM, all good things must come to an end, and that is true for my time at The Aesthetic Beauty Industry Council (ABIC)
A budding idea while in the thick of a global pandemic, turned into an official NFP industry association, has now blossomed beyond its start-up phase and requires mature leadership to go the distance, of which I leave in the hands of the Directors Reika Roberts Matt Williams and Stefanie Milla
With unpaid help, support and time from industry leaders whom I’d admired my entire career (and now even moreso!) they poured themselves selflessly into making ABIC work for the betterment of the industry. The generosity and trust of Emma Hobson Maria Enna-Cocciolone 🧿 Keira Maloney and Greg Ure. I’ll never forget and forever be thankful for.
The internal team members at ABIC who pick up the phones and speak to members in times of need, there’s been many of you, thank you for everything you’ve contributed to the business and brand.
Thank you to Karla McDiarmid Gay Wardle and Faye Murray who pulled together and overnight became co-founders of yet another business, and of course to the incredible Sandy Chong of whom without providing her consultation and connections, we wouldn’t be here.
I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time learning about how Boards, Associations and Charities operate, and look forward to contributing to causes like these where I can be of value in the future.